
— Bigcat

Bigcat is a displacer beast and the beast companion of Copper.


It's not a displacer-beast-sized house!
Matt Colville

Displacer beasts are large cat-like creatures with six legs and a pair of long tentacles sprouting from their shoulders. They are covered in a pelt of blue-black fur. They are usually about 9 feet long and weighed as much as 500 pounds, but the occasional mutant could be twice this size.

Bigcat has been described as being 6 feet long, implying that she is not fully grown.


Bigcat presumably joined the Chain of Acheron along with Copper. When asked in the first episode how and where he got her, Copper simply replied:

I'm just the best ranger there is.

Red Sky at Morning

She was present during the Chain's failed assassination of Mortum in Blackbottom, and Copper used her as a mount to help keep the standard high and guide the Chain to the docks. When a mob of civilians attempted to commandeer the ship the Chain was using to escape the city, Bigcat was integral to the display that scared the mob off.
